In a Complex World, Jesus Keeps Discipleship, Care, and Community Simple
In this fallen world, life is hard. To make matters worse, our ministry programming can overcomplicate what it looks like to follow Jesus. We make it too complex when we attempt to squeeze every biblical and theological truth into our discipleship content. We over-complicate the Christian life (and resort to a pragmatic approach) when we feel the need to offer a particularized program that addresses each of life’s needs or struggles. Ministry silos can complicate the Christian life for church members as well.
If there’s not a unifying philosophy that connects a church’s core ministries—discipleship, care, and community life—they function as separate efforts with little overlap in training emphasis or application.
Two Simple Commands
Oliver Wendell Holmes once said, “On the near side of complexity is simplistic; on the far side of complexity is simple.” Simplicity can traffic in pat answers. It can fail to consider life’s complexities; simplicity dilutes the truth of reality. However, on the other hand, Simple can takes our situation’s complexity into account then craft a comprehensive response in the clearest and most significant of terms. Simple doesn’t dilute; it distills.
Jesus understands life’s complexities better than anyone. Not only did he create our world but he holds it together (Col. 1:15–17). Jesus knew every day of our lives before we were born; he knew every disappointment, pain, and heartache. He knew every way we would be battered and bruised by both the sin within and the evil around us (Ps. 139:16). He was clear about this with his disciples when he said: “in this world you will have trouble” (Jn. 16:33). Jesus even personally knew the complexities of this fallen world. He was tempted in every way just as we are (Heb.4:15).
Though Jesus knew all the complications we would face on this side of heaven, he also understood that what is demanded for living life in this complex world is simple. Jesus gave us two great commands that summed up the Law and the Prophets: to love God and to love one another as he first loved us (Matt. 22:37–40; Jn. 13:34).
One Simple Calling
The commands are simple, but they often complicate life even more. You see, the two love commands are impossible to obey apart from our faith in Christ and an abiding communion with him (Heb. 11:6; Jn. 15:5). We simply can’t love God and others apart from first receiving his love poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit (Rom. 5:5). But with Christ, his Spirit, and the living Word of God (Heb. 4:12), we are empowered to love both God and others, even in the midst of life’s complexities.
We joke in Christian circles that Jesus is the answer to everything. It’s true. If you’re looking for a common denominator for discipleship, care, and community, Jesus is the correct answer. But this response can be simplistic.
Simply saying “Jesus is the answer” doesn’t address the challenges this present evil age presents to growing as a disciple. Saying these words doesn’t adequately show how Christ makes a difference when we’re overwhelmed by life’s struggles. Knowing Christ is the answer doesn’t automatically explain how we should care for one another. It doesn’t offer ways to get a larger percentage of the church into the small group ministry. When we declare that Jesus is the answer in a simplistic way, his gospel will not be concrete or relevant enough to answer our questions about life and ministry.
So how do we move from simplicity to simple? Is there a comprehensive approach to discipleship, care, and community that keeps Christ central without over-complicating or over-simplifying? I believe there is, and it begins with asking four key questions about these ministries—why, who, what, and how:
Why should we focus on discipleship, care, and community? The answer is simple. Jesus commanded us to make disciples, to bear one another’s burdens, and to enjoy life together as a part of Christ’s body (Matt. 28:18–20; Gal. 6:2; Acts 2:42–47).
Who is the focus of these ministry areas? The simplistic answer is that it’s Jesus, but we must clarify that our goal is to be with him—to know Christ and to experience his love. Sometimes our discipleship focuses on knowing facts about Jesus rather than upon spending time with him in sweet communion. Our care can focus on how living out of our identity in Jesus addresses life’s problems rather than on how Christ offers us the comfort and care we need through our union with him. Our community life can focus more on being like Jesus—introspectively looking within ourselves to see if we’ve achieved his standard of holiness (We haven’t!)—rather than helping one another to know his heart through his Word and how we, in response, can join him on mission.
What should be the main focus for each of these church ministries? The activities involved in each ministry area may differ, but the goal is the same. Following Jesus’ simple approach, we understand that loving God and loving others is the goal. Discipleship deepens our faith so that we love God wholeheartedly and love others like him. Through care, God comforts us, and we comfort one another, not just to relieve the pain but so that we can love God and others as we journey through life’s dark valleys. Rich fellowship in community looking like loving and encouraging one another to love God above all so that we live for him and not for ourselves.
How do we accomplish the why, who, and what of discipleship, care, and community ministry? The answer is simple. We abide in Christ. That’s our one simple calling. As we experience his love, joy, and peace, we’re able to obey all that he commanded (Matt. 28:20). Only by resting in Christ can we flourish in the midst of our brokenness and troubles (Jn. 15:9-11). Only by sharing testimonies of God’s goodness and helping one another lean into Christ’s love will our ministries shift from being mere programs and become life-giving gatherings where we rejoice, give thanks, persevere and meet the complexities of this evil world with simple hope.
In a complex world, Jesus kept discipleship, care, and community simple. We praise God for his simple wisdom.
Questions for Reflection:
1. In your approach to ministry, how might you have placed artificial barriers between discipleship, care, and community?
2. How might Jesus’ simple approach change the way you equip the saints to do the work of ministry so that the church is built up in love (cf. Eph. 4:12-16)?
Do you need encouragement and equipping for you and your team in the areas of discipleship, care, and community? The ABIDE Cohort is for counselors, church leaders, and nonprofit leaders who want to learn and experience how abiding in Christ serves as the focus, means, and goal of discipleship, care, and community. Apply for the next round of the ABIDE cohort today, and join us for the in-person ministry training retreat in January 2024!