We help churches know and experience how Jesus makes a difference in a broken world through abiding in his love.
Our Story
Before vocational ministry, Robert served in the Navy for several years. He later earned his Master of Divinity and Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theology Seminary.
Robert served as Pastor of Care at Sojourn Church Midtown for over sixteen years, where he and Karen equipped the church to care for one another in community.
Throughout their time in ministry, they witnessed a disconnect within the body of Christ – church members believe the Gospel but wondered how Jesus makes a difference in the circumstances of life and the brokenness of this world.
Because of this, Gospel Care Ministries was founded and launched in 2018 out of a vision and passion for the local church.
Robert also serves as a Council Member for the Biblical Counseling Coalition. He is author of Restoration Story: Why Jesus Matters in a Broken World, Restore: Changing How We Live and Love, and God Redeeming His Bride: A Handbook for Church Discipline.
When they’re not traveling to churches around the country, they enjoy life together cooking, walking, occasionally dancing, and hanging out with their three grown children, two sons-in-law, and five adorable grandchildren.
Our Mission
Throughout my journey, I (Robert) have seen the church be overwhelmed by life and underwhelmed by God. Life is hard, but churches everywhere seem to experience a head-heart disconnect, a divide between what they believe in their minds and what they experience in their souls and circumstances.
Gospel Care Ministries was established as a non-profit in 2018, but two burning questions that I first asked almost thirty years ago serve as its foundation: (1) “How does Jesus make a difference in the brokenness of life?” and (2) “What is the church doing about it?”
In a complex world, we can overcomplicate ministry, but the Gospel offers clarity and power for life in Christ. Gospel Care Ministries seeks to help churches address these and other questions through our services, such as cohorts, care sessions, conferences, and more.
We help leaders and churches to be confident in Christ as they live and serve in a broken world. This mission is accomplished through disciple-making ministries that train local church pastors and leaders to shepherd the church to live in Christ with joy, contentment, and freedom. There may not be a “silver bullet” when it comes to ministry but we believe that abiding in Christ fuels life. Our approach helps leaders reimagine ministry.
We all have our own stories that have been shaped by our families, relationships, and life experiences. Our stories shape our personal narratives: “I am not loved.” “No one cares for me.” “I have to be better than everyone around me.” Our story guides us in how we relate to God and others. But are these beliefs true? And how are they affecting our lives today? Robert helps readers unpack their story and learn to live out of God’s new story. Readers will discover how to retell their story out of who God is, what he’s done, and the call to love him and others.
Our Framework
We focus on abiding in Christ as the primary means for discipleship and care, believing that Jesus Christ came not only to reconcile our relationship with God but also to restore our broken souls.
We approach discipleship and care primarily within community. We help churches make disciples and disciple-makers who know how to engage God and experience his love through his Word as he restores their souls.
We help pastors and church leaders to disciple God’s people so they know how Jesus makes a difference in their lives and relationships. We seek to equip everyone in the church—church members, small group leaders, ministry volunteers, deacons, elders, and missionaries.
We equip with the principle found in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, where we first receive comfort from God, then we comfort others.
We equip the church to encourage, comfort, and bear one another’s burdens in the everyday and unexpected realities of life.
Our Partnerships
Biblical Counseling Coalition
Gospel Centered Family
Great Commission Collective
Harbor Network
Redeemer Church
Salem Chapel
Summit Church
Four Oaks Kilearn
Support the Work of GCM
We equip church leaders with biblical frameworks to help lead their churches to experience God’s love and have confidence in Christ in a broken world—but we can’t do it on our own. Your generous donation helps us to share Gospel Care Ministries with more churches, touch more lives, and continue spreading the word of God’s restoring love.
Thank you for partnering alongside the work that God is doing!