Why Restore? Abiding in God's Love

Have you ever looked over a landscape covered in clouds? Everything has a grey coldness to it; everything feels far-off and distant. You know that the hills are over there, and you know the tall trees are beside them--but you can’t really see them. They are so faded, you wonder if they’re even in your world, or just illusions far away. The only constant thing is the fog, shrouding your window, covering all else.

Have you ever had the same feeling when you were trying to look at God? 

Has he ever felt far-off, and distant? You know that his love is there; you know his transforming power is there--but you can’t really see them. They feel so distant, you wonder if they even really apply to your world. The only consistent things are the struggles of your life, closing in around you, covering all else.

But God wants to break through that cloud coverage.

Just like the sun breaking through the mist, God’s love can burst through the fog of our worries. His love is real, solid, and close--and in the light of his love, our grey world can regain its vibrant colors and brightness.

We are not made to live under the clouds, feeling distant from God. 

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine; neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches.” (John 15:4,5)

Jesus is the true vine. But when we are cut off from him, our source life, we’ll grow tired, weary, and shrivel up. We are meant to stay in his love.

But it you’re already tired, this may feel impossible. You feel like you can barely put one foot in front of the other--how can you climb up to God? That’s the great thing--you don’t have to. This is the Good News itself. Our God is the God who came down, the Incarnational God; God with us. He is living in you, and will empower you to abide in him.

He invites us to draw close to Him, because He will draw close to us. “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” (James 4:8)

God wants to draw close to his people, so they can know him and follow him. God’s heart is for you to find rest and relief in his love. He wants you to abide in him--to keep yourself close to him through his word and his people, so you can receive strength and joy from him.

God’s heart is for you to find rest and relief in his love.
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You don’t have to live in a foggy world of uncertainty. God’s love can break through. When we abide in him, coming continually into his presence and experiencing his love, then the color of our stories and lives can become bright again.

Do you struggle with abiding in God’s love? Restore: Changing How We Live and Love is a thirteen-week study guide to help you draw near to God, enjoy his love, and live with new patterns and life rhythms.. Order your copy today!


Restore Testimony: Understanding My Story, and Helping Others See Theirs


Restore Release Day!