How GCM Transformed Our Church
We as a church had gone through several cyclical seasons of deep hurt and loss over a number of years.
It was evident that myself and my spouse as well as the other elders and spouses needed to unpack this hurt and loss rather than simply avoid and ignore the pain. We had hit an emotional and spiritual wall and it was evident that not dealing with this deep pain and hurt would only perpetuate and devolve future ministry.
Robert and Karen’s spirit filled wisdom and grace was exactly what our leadership needed. They provided a safe space where hurts could be shared, tears could be shed and the gospel of Jesus Christ could be applied. The Holy Spirit’s presence was so evident over this weekend. Confession was made, forgiveness extended and love displayed.
By God’s grace, our church leadership turned a corner after this Elder and Care weekend. We are now using Robert’s Gospel Care resources to build out a Restore ministry as part of our discipleship process at our church in order to better provide ongoing care for our Elders and spouses as well as our church body as a whole.
Johnny Pereira, Lead Pastor
Salem Chapel, Winston-Salem, NC
Every month, Gospel Care Ministries impacts lives and churches just like this!
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