Events for equipping and encouraging that leave you refreshed and ready.
Events Hosted by GCM
ABIDE Cohort (January 2025)
The ABIDE Cohort is an immersive experience that includes an in-person retreat and nine weeks of online coaching for pastors and ministry leaders to learn and experience how abiding in Christ serves as the focus, means, and goal of discipleship, care, and community.
Webinar: 4 Challenges Every Leader Faces
At Gospel Care, we believe that abiding in Christ fuels life and forms ministry. During this 1 hour video call, you'll hear about the significance of abiding in Christ and how it offers hope for the change you need in order to flourish.
Webinar: The Key to Church & Personal Challenges
As leaders, we experience busyness and weariness from caring for others and their burdens. In doing so, we tend to neglect one of the most important parts of our ministry — the flourishing of our own soul.
Webinar: Jesus Closes the Discipleship Gaps
We have learned that abiding in Christ fuels us to reimagine our life with Christ. In this webinar, we will discuss how abiding in Christ also helps us to reimagine our ministry. Register for our webinar Jesus Closes the Discipleship Gaps below.
Events Calendar
2024 Events
11-13 January: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—Grace Church, Morton, IL
18-20 January: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—Engage Church, Albany, NY
24-26 January: ABIDE Cohort Launch Retreat—Louisville, KY
2-3 February: Marriage Conference—Ascend Church. Olathe, KS
15 February: Plant Forth Worth Pastors’ Lunch—Fort Worth, TX
16-17 February: Marriage Conference—Trinity, Baptist Church, Amarillo, TX
21-24 February: Care Intensive—Boston, MI
29 Feb-2 March: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—Two Cities Church, Winston-Salem, NC
23-24 March: Marriage Conference—Zionsville Fellowship Church, Zionsville, IN
14-16 March: TEAM Cohort Closing Retreat—Grace Church, Morton, IL
11-13 April: Restoring Freedom Group Retreat—Northbridge Church, Rochester, MN
18-20 April: TEAM Cohort Closing Retreat—Engage Church, Albany, NY
25-27 April: ABC Conference, Fort Worth, TX
2 May: Weave & Cleave Conference, Phoenix, AZ
16-18 May: TEAM Cohort Closing Retreat—Two Cities Church, Winston-Salem, NC
29 May-1 June: Elder Reconciliation—Detroit, MI
5-8 July: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—Sarokkő Church, Budapest, Hungary
23-25 July: 1st Annual GCM Annual Retreat—Winston-Salem, NC
9-10 August: Deacon Retreat—Redeemer Community Church, Bloomington, IN
12-15 August: Marriage Intensive—Louisville, KY
6-7 September: Restore Training Workshop—Covenant Fellowship Church, Glen Mills, PA
12-14 September: TEAM Cohort Closing Retreat—Sarokkő Church, Budapest, Hungary
20-22 September: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—Two Cities Church, Winston-Salem, NC
27-29 September: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—Freedom Family Church, Seminole, FL
3-6 October: CCEF Annual Conference, Chattanooga, TN
8-10 October: Harbor Network Leaders’ Summit, Louisville, KY
14-16 November: TEAM Cohort Closing Retreat—Freedom Family Church, Seminole, FL
21-23 November: TEAM Cohort Closing Retreat—Two Cities Church, Winston-Salem, NC
3-5 December: BCC Annual Summit
2023 Events
18-20 January: ABIDE Cohort Launch Retreat—Louisville, KY
26-28 January: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—Karis Church, Columbia, MO
12-14 February: Marriage Intensive—St. Petersburg, FL
24-25 February: Discipleship & Care Training—Northway Church—Dallas, TX
3-4 March: Marriage Retreat—Northbridge Church, Rochester, MN
9-12 March: Church Planter Retreat—England, United Kingdom
27-29 April: ABC Conference, Foundations of Soul Care—Fort Worth, TX
2 May: Staff Retreat—First Evangelical Free Church, Wichita, KS
8 May: Training for Anchored Hope Virtually Counseling Team
18-20 May: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—Karis Church, Columbia, MO
7-9 June: ABIDE Cohort Launch Retreat—Louisville, KY
16-18 July: Consulting—Two Cities Church, Winston Salem, NC
27-29 July: TEAM Cohort Opening Retreat—R3stored Fellowship, Independence, OR
15 August: BCC Podcast
18-19 August: Redeemer Deacon Retreat—Redeemer, Bloomington, IN
5 September: Launched Reimagine: Abiding in Christ in a Broken World, 6-week Online Course
8-9 September: Marriage Conference—Main Street Church, Alexandria, KY
30 September: Titus Foundation 2023 Leadership Cohort—Phoenix, AZ
12 October: IBCD Podcast
19-22 October: CCEF Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, VA
26-28 October: TEAM Cohort Closing Retreat—R3stored Fellowship, Independence, OR
5-6 December: BCC Annual Summit—Underwood, IN
8-9 December: Titus Foundation 2023 Leadership Cohort—Phoenix, AZ