Restore Testimony: Confidence Greater than Feelings


“I had the privilege of attending the Restore Weekend Retreat with some of our church leadership. What an amazing time of being together with others as we experienced Jesus as a family!

God had something very personal for me during this time, as I came away with two lasting gifts for my heart. First, I received a deep and lasting encouragement in the presence, promises, and power of God for both my life and the life of others. God has allowed me to hold onto these realities for myself and believe them for the good of others.

Second was a new conviction. During a more personal time in the weekend, Robert and I had a conversation about my affection for Jesus that challenged me. While acknowledging the reality of our affection for Jesus, Robert pointed me toward having confidence in Jesus. In my head, I realized, “Affection is great, but what about confidence?”

Confidence for me has been somewhat of a missing ingredient in following Jesus as a son and servant.  At times I can be given to anxiousness, discouragement, fatigue, and loneliness.

It seems as though the enemy loves these opportunities to further his cause of stealing, killing, and destroying the things of God.  And while I might try to avoid becoming anxious or discouraged, what I am learning is that in all things I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:37), and my great weapon is not escape but rather confidence. 

Humble confidence is the recognition that in Christ I have all I need for godliness and every moment or emotion (2 Pet 1:3).  When I am functioning in this capacity, truly confident that Jesus right now is enough, I become more and more present to the movements of the Spirit and needs of others.

 When I am present to Jesus and others, beautiful things happen in my life...marriage becomes a place that makes much of Jesus, children get adopted, churches get planted, and disciples are made.  I can love like I have been loved.  A confident expression of me is not one that Jesus loves more, but it is one that is more likely to join Jesus in the renewal of all things. 

A confident expression of me is not one that Jesus loves more, but one that is more likely to join Jesus in the renewal of all things. 
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God has used this to convict me of a need to move forward in living with greater confidence in Jesus, and not just loving feelings toward him. When by his grace I am living with growing confidence based on the presence, promises, and power of Jesus; it’s like I am a relentless expression of love for King Jesus and others. I can only imagine this puts the enemy on high alert as I begin to live more and more of the abundant life God promises his children, while joining Christ in the mission to renew all things. 

Thank you Robert and Karen for your kind and capable hands that God used in the Restore Retreat to lead me into new and beautiful areas of gospel living. I most definitely recommend this experience to anyone looking for Jesus to meet them right where they are and move them into a place of restoration and renewal!”

-Casey Cleveland, Lead Pastor

The Avenue Church, Delray Beach, FL


Why Restore? Deepen Community


Finding Love in A Broken World