Fall Study Lesson 6: The Difference Jesus Makes Today
Does Jesus make a difference in our lives before we die?
There’s plenty of things we know in our Christian lives. We understand that God made us, that sin bent us, and that we needed Jesus’ blood to reconcile us. But sometimes, this all feels far-off to us. Jesus worked to fix our past state, and He’s preparing heaven as our future state—but we’re not sure how He impacts now.
But Jesus isn’t just about getting you into heaven. He’s concerned with more than the end of your life. He’s come to give us life now, and to give it abundantly (John 10:10). Jesus transforms our lives right now, through allowing us to live in God’s promises, presence, and power.
Living In God’s Promises
We’ve all heard promises we don’t believe. It could be from politicians, professing lovers, or public advertisers—all we hear are empty words with no weight. Even if the promiser intends to keep their word, other things can prevent them—after all, who hasn’t had a parent miss a recital because of unexpected work?
But God doesn’t go back on His word. And because He is all-powerful, He can’t be forced to break his word by outside forces.
All of God’s promises in Jesus are Yes and Amen—they are assured. God even put His Spirit in us as a seal, a down payment of His promises (2 Cor. 1:22). While the Bible is full of many glorious promises for us, here are three main ones that shape our everyday lives:
God Promises to Always Be With Us. We aren’t going to be with God only in heaven—He is with us right now. We are not alone, not even in our hardest and loneliest moments. He is there with us, and He understands our struggles. This comforts us when we suffer, and steadies us when we feel like no one understands.
God Promises that Nothing Can Separate Us From His Love. Jesus has already died for sin and crushed the head of that serpent the devil. What is left to separate us from Him? Neither our hardships or our failings can pull us away from His love. This truth keeps us from despair when we fail, and gives us courage to try again.
God Promises that His Love Is Better Than Life. God calls us to taste and see that He is good—and unlike those advertisers, His word holds true. Living a life following Jesus may not be easy, but it is good. The world calls us to taste its sweets and pleasures—but those fade away, leaving a chalky taste in our mouths. When we trust God’s promises, and know that He is good, it shifts what we run after, and what we take pleasure in
God’s promises give us security in a world gone topsy-turvy. Because we are assured of His love, and of His goodness, we are encouraged to walk in a way that is pleasing to Him.
Living in God’s Presence
Sometimes we do feel close to God, during those “mountain-top experiences” during worship, or at a retreat, or even on top of a mountain. But other times, those feelings wane. But Jesus still invites us to draw close to Him.
Jesus won’t pull away, no matter what our feelings say.
God pursues us in love. Song of Songs is a unique book in the Bible, full of vivid descriptions of love between a man and a woman—but scholars through the ages have always believed it speaks to God’s love for His people too. He loves you like an avid lover, and wants to be close to you just like a groom always wants to be close to his newly-wed bride.
God’s presence here and now means we don’t have to settle for sub-par spiritual lives. We don’t have to feel separate from Him. We can live a life where we abide in Him, knowing He rejoices in us.
Living in God’s Power
The same power that rose Jesus from the dead is in you (Eph. 1:19-20). Won’t that shape how you live today? You have a member of the Godhead dwelling in you. So when circumstances seem hard, His power and His presence are there.
Even when you feel weakest, God’s power is still working through you. Just as He promised Paul, His power is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor. 12:9). God can work mightily, even when you don’t feel like it. Think of Kingdom-workers like the late Ravi Zacharias. His spine was bent for the last several decades of his life—he lived in constant pain and discomfort with metal rods and screws running throughout his body. Yet God used that very pain to allow him to personally speak on the problem of pain and evil, in a way that impacted thousands of people, and revealed Jesus as glorious.
God’s power is available for you right now. We can let it shape how we respond to difficult situations, to people who are unloving, and to struggles we fight to overcome.
Christianity isn’t just for when we go up to heaven. In fact, it’s never been about us going up to God—it’s about Him coming down to us. He made the promise, He came incarnate, He leads the way. Even at the great consummation, the great end of all things, it is new Jerusalem and God coming down to dwell with humanity (Rev. 21:2-3).
Jesus makes a difference right now. He stepped into Humanity 2,000 years ago—and He steps into your life today. Jesus wants to make a difference in your present life. His promises, presence, and power are there for you to walk in. He wants to restore and transform our lives today. Will you let Him?
Jesus, thank you that you give us life—a life that is abundant, and that is full of your power, your presence, and your promises. You are good, and you have promised us good; let us trust you in that today. Shape our lives Lord, let us let you in. Though our circumstances and struggles might not completely go away, your love still transforms us today. Remind us of your love, and let our hearts rejoice in you. Amen